Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tutorial 4: Secure Email


Email has become very critical in today's competitive business world. It forms the backbone for so many of our organizations. As email becomes more and more prevalent in the market, the importance of having secure email transactions also becomes significant. Radicati Group estimates that approximately 294 billion email transactions are done per day. More than 300 internet crimes are committed every hour, with a victim being hit every ten seconds on average.

As a new business owner or employed for someone, you don't want that companies business emails being read by anyone. So, what can you do to protect yourself? One thing you can do is get Secure Email.

What Is Secure Email:
Secure Email is a safe, efficient alternative to regular email, fax, and post. When you hit the send button on your secure email, the information contained in it is encrypted, so it can only be read by your intended recipient. Unlike regular emails, that can easily be read by anyone.

How Does Secure Email Work:
Secure Email allows you to encrypt the contents of your email when you send it. This encryption ensures that the email, if intercepted, will not be readable. Once the email reaches its destination it will be decrypted so that the intended recipient can read it. There are two types of encryption.

  • Asymmetric Encryption - this system requires a user to use two alphanumeric keys, one private and one public. Your public key is avaliable to anyone. This allows an outside sender to automatically generate a code using a defined set of explicit instructions. When someone sends you an encrypted email, you can use your public key to translate the message. Only you can decipher the code, using a private key. To generate a public key, you will need to install a security program and set up and verify a pass phrase.
  • Symmetric Encryption - also known as single key or private key encryption, sharing one key between a sender and receiver. That means you and the receiver need to decide on a password before sending the encrypted message. Coding and decoding runs faster than asymmetric encryption. However, this can leave you email message more vulnerable to hackers because it is a shared key between two people.


When Is Secure Email Available:
Secure Email is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How Can I Download Secure Email:
You first need to figure out what secure email option you want to use that will best fit your needs. There are free ones and those you can pay for that offer more options.                                      Below are a few links:

Although secure email should not be the only protection method you take, it will help you sleep a little better at night knowing that the right people are receiving your messages.

Click on this link to watch an informative video about secure email from Mindful Security:

Work Cited:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Secure Email

The above link is a clip from a Fox news report on what they are calling the Biggest Data Breach Ever. No one seems to know how this even happened. You may have received an email in the past couple of weeks stating something like: Our system has been hacked but not to worry because your name and email address was all they got. I received one of these emails myself this past week. Is it a big deal or not? Well, I personally think it is a big deal. If this was just an accident or whatever, and they just happened to be able to get our names and email addresses what else might they be able to hack? We are becoming more of an electronical society and companies need to use all the security measures they can. We cannt afford to be lose with our personal or future customers identities or business information. Using secure email is just one of the ways you can protect yourself.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tutorial 3: How To Create A Website

In this tutorial, I have decided to show how to create a website. We know there are many different types of websites, but what is the process of getting that professional, or artistic, or educational page?  

1st: Plan Your Web Presence
Your first step is to plan, plan, plan! You need to decide what your mission is and who your customers will be. Then you need to pick a domain name. This takes some consideration. Dont overlook this step. You want it to be convenient for people to find you.  Are you going to use your business name, an abbreviation, .com, or .net? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself. A place to find "domain hosts" that could meet your needs and budget are:,, microsoft office live, or Make a rough draft of how you want your page or pages to look like - text, images, and other graphic elements. Finally, you need to set a budget and decide who is going to do what.

2nd: Choose DIY Or Go With A Pro
Do you feel like you have the creative ability to create your own webpage? If so, then go for it! But if not there are plenty of Web Design Professionals out there willing to help you out. 

3rd: Select The Tools For Making Your Home On The Web
First you need to find a web hosting. This is necessary because a web host with accept your site, secure all your files, and make your page avaliable at all times. Some places you can start is: Web Hosting Review, Hosting Review, or ConsumerSearch. Then you need a FTP, File Transfer Protocol, so you can upload files to your website. You can download this for free at: FTP Navigator, FileZilla, or CoffeeCup Free FTP. If you have images on your page and dont hire a professional to take care of your photos and graphics then you will need to upload a digital photo and graphics editor. You can find free ones to download, but if you want to a more sophisticated, professional program you could use Adobe Photoshop.

4th: Make Key Design Decisions
     This is where all your hard work from step 1 comes into play. Knowing who your target customers are will help guide you through the design process. Also, knowing if you will have any special needs that you will be accomendating will be helpful. Some general design principles are: keep it clean, never use dark text on a dark background, make your text as concise and straightforward as possible, choose your colors carefully, and don't be afraid to browse other successful websites for ideas.

5th: Learn The Code
This is the step for learning the basic language of the HTML. This will help you understand your webpages framework and give you control of everything on your page.

6th: Identify The Best Software For Words And Images
Now you need to decide what design software and other tools you are going to use. The two most common types of design software are: WYSIWYS and HTML. There are some better softwares that use both of these. However, if you are sticking to a more ridged budget set in step 1 then are may want to look at: Microsoft Office Live Basics, CoffeeCup HTML Editor, or Web Studio.

7th: Take Control Over The Look, Feel, And Function
This is mainly if you have an e-commerce site, because storefront and shopping carts can limit your choices. If you run into this problem the best thing to do is a hire a pro to get the look and feel you desire, and have your website function as you want.

8th: Optimize Your Site For Search Engines
You may have the best products and services on the Web, but it doesn't mean a thing if potential customers can't find your site. This is best accomplished by getting your website noticed by ranking high in search engines like google, yahoo, and MSN. This will probably be the most challenging step and also the most rewarding. This is best accomplished by having your web page contain keywords and phrases that you think potential customers will search with.

9th: Put All The Parts Together
By now, you have spent tons of time planning and assembling everything together and now you will receive the benefits of seeing it all come together and watching your site do its stuff. However, there are a few more steps you need to do to make sure all your work wasnt in vain. First use a test site. Then get reviews on your site. Try testing it on different platforms and browers, and track bugs and fix any problems as soon as you can.

10th: Take You Website Live
You have worked hard - planning, designing, coding, testing, and re-testing. And now you are ready to publish your site to the web. To take your webpage to the next level there are a few recommendations. You can register your search engine with google, yahoo, or MSN. You can buy ad placements or do a pay-per-click. Also, you could start a blog. None of this is necessary, it is just extras if you have any budget let over and want to get your website out there even the faster.

11th: Constantly Tend To Your Website
The care and feeding of your new business is as important as any of the other steps. Reasons for tending to your webpage is to keep things secure, manage your existing content, add new content and links, to be constantly promoting your website, and to keep up with your ads.

Click on this link to watch a video about how to create a website with WebSite Tonight:

Work Cited

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wow!! This was a very interesting project. It had its hang ups, but nothing that's wasn't overcomable. Basically, everything I learned was new! Which is of course why I am taking this class. I liked this project; however, and now I have expanded my skills into a new field of operation.

As I mentioned already, this was my first time working with Access; therefore, I feel that this entire project could be enhanced if I had a more thorough knowledge of the system. I would be able to navigate through the site more comfortablly. I wouldnt have to always second quess myself either. It would look a little better too if I knew how to embellish it some and make it look more professional. Another thing I wish to learn about access is how to work more with formulas and how to group and sort items.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Presentation - World Food Programme

I really enjoyed doing this project. It was a lot of work, but I learned alot about an organization I knew nothing about and that was the World Food Programme,WFP. I chose to do it on the WFP so I could learn more about them and also because they are the worlds largest humanitarian agency. I have done some traveling and you really can't understand the need until you see it first hand yourself and the impact it makes. There is nothing more heart rending than seeing a hungry child whos eyes are filled with sadness and hopelessness. We are so blessed to live in America, yet amongst all our blessings there are still 1 out of 8 children under the age of 12 who go to bed hungry every night in the US. I hope one day to possibly intern with the WFP to help make a difference. I would hate to have lived my life knowing I could have done something but didnt.

This was my first presentation ever, so I do feel that it could be improved all the way around. I was so nervous about my project that I changed it quit a few times before getting something I thought was good. I had everyone in my family view it too so they could give me their opinions. Viewing others presentations made me want to do even better on my own presentation. I liked critiquing others presentations, because it helped me see better of what to do and what not to do and it gave me ideas for future presentations.

I made my presentation in PowerPoint. I learned how to put a youtube video into my presentation and also how to edit it as well. I also learned how to publish my presentation to the web. I download like 5 new apps to my computer while doing this project, so I would be able to do what I needed to do.

One thing I was not able to do according to the Presentation Evaluation Rubric was 'say it', because I do not own a computer mic. So, I wanted to make sure that I followed all the other guidelines carefully. I made sure to not use clutter, so you could clearly understand my slides. I used photos to express my points and added music to set the mood and so there would be no dead space. I also asked questions to spark curiosity and have a link in my presentation where the viewer can go to be proactive with the cause I am presenting. I have an edited video in my presentation as well to help add definition and bring my point out even better.

This is the link to my presentation. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutorial 2: Creating A Storyboard


This is where it all begins.  You have an idea or a topic that you need to present but where do you go from there. The first step is to understand what you are trying to communicate and what your intended message is. If you don't understand your message, no one will. Creating a storyboard will help ensure that you and your audience understand your intent.

Once a concept or script is written for your presentation, the next step is to make a storyboard. A storyboard visually tells the story of your presentation panel by panel.

Your Storyboard Should Convey Some Of The Following Information:
  • Opening
  • Main Points
  • Supporting Points
  • Details - For Clarity
  • Closing

Creating a storyboard will help you plan your presentation out shot by shot. You can make changes to your storyboard before you start working on your presentation, instead of changing your mind later. You should be able to talk about your presentation and show your storyboard to other people to get feedback on your ideas.

There Are Several Reasons To Create A Storyboard:
  • Provide A Means For Brainstorming
  • Help The Audience Visualize What The Finished Product Will Look Like
  • Sell Your Idea To The Audience
  • Make It Easier To Plan How And What To Edit For The Final Presentation
  • Cut Down On The Amount Of Time Needed To Edit A Project
  • Keep Everyone On The "Same Page"
  • Help Avoid Missing Out On Anything You Should Have Put In Your Presentation

Most commonly, storyboards are drawn in pen or pencil. If you don't like to draw you can also take photos, cut our pictures from magazines, or use a computer to make your storyboards. Keep in mind that your drawings don't have to be fancy! Really, you just want to spend a few minutes drawing each frame - use basic shapes, stick figures, and simple backgrounds. If you draw your storyboard frames on index cards, you could rearrange them to change up your story.

Make Sure Your Storyboard Contains:
  • Any Media, Videos, or Music - You Want To Include In Your Presentation
  • A Dramatic Opening
  • A Logical Flow
  • Anticipated Questions
  • Sequence
  • Verifiable Claims
  • Attention Grabbers
  • Descriptive Content


Work Cited: - Creating A Storyboard video

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Excel Project

I really enjoyed doing this excel project. It was for an Exercise Program and the owner wanted to see how effective this program was and who was most effected by it. There were 502 participants and it was for 20mins. To most effectively display the info was to find the heart rates. 1.Max Heart Rate: this was to see what the limit was on how many heart beats could happen per minute according to their age. 2.Targeted Heart Rate: this is where the trainer wanted them to reach and it was calculated as 80% of the max heart rate. 3.Highest Heart Rate: the trainer wanted to see what their highest heart rate achieved was in the 20min interval. 4.Target Achieved: did their highest heart rate reach their targeted heart rate. 5.Percentile Increase of Heart Rate: by what percentage did their heart rate go up by from beginning to their highest heart rate achieved. Each point described above was a new column added to the spreadsheet. They all also had their own formulas. This was the first time I had ever done formulas in excel, so each step was learning something new. I love it!

The owner also wanted to find out how many males and how many females had reached their targeted heart rate and what the average increase was according to their ages. This was done with a Pivot Table. I had never worked with a pivot table before, so I was a little nervous. It just looked a little bit more complex during the lecture. However everything went smoothly, with looking back through my notes and fumbling through the Excel Bible. Below is a screen capture, which I also had never done before, from my pivot table containing the info about the average heart rate increase per male and per female according to the age demographic they fall in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tutorial 1: Copyright

What Is Copyright:
Copyright is a form of protection given to us by the U.S. Constitution for original works both published and unpublished. Definition - the legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.

What Does Copyright Protect:
Computer Software

What Does Copyright Not Protect:
Methods of Operation

Why Should I Get Something Copyrighted:
To keep someone from taking your work and making it their own and receiving the benefits of your labor
If someone wants to use your work they have to pay you for the right first and they have to use it in whatever way you say

How Can I Get Something Copyrighted:
After you have determined if you have a work that can be copyrighted you have to register it with the Library of Congress. You can do it online or mail in a hard copy. There are three items you must send in - 1. a completed application 2. a filing fee for the application 3. a copy of the work you want copyrighted. Make sure you pick the right application for what you are copyrighting. You can find a complete list of the different applications at

How Long Does Copyright Last:
The life of the author plus an additional 70 years is the general rule. However for anonymous works, pseudonymous works, or works made for hire are either 95 years since the first publication or 120 years since it was created. Whichever falls first is the one that applies.

What If Someone Steals My Work/Copyright Infringement:
You’re main option is to take them to court. If you take the infringer to court they have to pay for all attorney fees and court costs. They also have to pay for the actual dollar amount of damages done and profits received. Then it is up to the court to decide what happens. They could issue an injunctions to stop the infringed work, impound the illegal work, or send the infringer to jail.

Work Cited:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Avatar

This was the first time I have ever created an avatar. It was very enjoyable! I created mine through meez. I liked that there was a wide variety of options to choose from so that I could completely make it how I wanted it to look from hair style and color, eye shape and color, clothes, accessories, and much more. The site was also easy to navigate and I could locate everything I was looking for with minimual effort. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone interested in creating an avatar.